The Energy Consumer's Bulletin- a New England energy news blog

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Massachusetts Electricity Rate Reform is Heading in the Right Direction

Back in May, several Massachusetts state agencies came together to form an Interagency Rates Working Group (IRWG) to advance near- and long-term electric rate designs that align with the Commonwealth’s decarbonization goals by prioritizing the reduction of energy burden while incentivizing transportation and building electrification. That statement of purpose is a mouthful but it succeeds at crystalizing the general consensus on Massachusetts energy policy goals among state officials and many advocates, including Green Energy Consumers Alliance — which is, how can we pay for energy in a way that keeps energy affordable for everyone and encourages getting off of fossil fuels?

Picture of Larry Chretien Larry Chretien

Transportation in the 2024 Massachusetts Climate Bill

A few weeks ago, we celebrated the passage of the 2024 climate bill in Massachusetts, An Act promoting a clean energy grid, advancing equity and protecting ratepayers, and wrote about its provisions related to reforming natural gas utilities, procuring battery storage, and siting and permitting. Here’s what the bill does on transportation.

Picture of Anna Vanderspek Anna Vanderspek

Massachusetts Action Alert: Stand Up for Clean Trucks (Again!)

Recently, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) announced the delay of two key regulations that will clean up dangerous air pollution from medium- and heavy-duty trucks. Though the delays are not full rollbacks, they come after heavy industry lobbying, and it’s crucial to defend these important standards at public hearings on Monday, December 9, or in writing by 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 19, 2024. 

Picture of Anna Vanderspek Anna Vanderspek

What caused the Recent Increase in Massachusetts Natural Gas Rates?

On October 31st, the Boston Globe and other media outlets reported that most natural gas (methane) customers in Massachusetts are going to experience a big increase in the winter-time rates (November through May). Eversource was approved by state regulators for rate increases of 25% to 30%, while National Grid got approved to hike its rate by 11% to 13%.

Picture of Larry Chretien & Carrie Katan Larry Chretien & Carrie Katan

Well Worth the Wait: Massachusetts 2024 Climate Bill

On November 14th the House and Senate passed Massachusetts’ latest climate law which is a compromise of bills passed by the two chambers earlier in the year. We are happy to write that, while their compromise did not contain everything we were pushing for, it makes great strides on a wide range of issues from supporting EV charging to reforming the state’s gas utility laws.

Picture of Carrie Katan & Tina Munter Carrie Katan & Tina Munter

Massachusetts DPU Has Too Much To Do!

In our work, we pay close attention to the agencies regulating the electric and gas utilities. In Rhode Island, that’s the Public Utilities Commission (PUC); in Massachusetts, that’s the Department of Public Utilities (DPU).  

Both commissions have always had a big job – regulating what economists call "natural monopolies." "Natural" because it doesn’t make sense to have more than one company in a community distributing electricity or gas. How many poles and pipes do we really want?However, the role of utility regulators takes on a whole new importance when we realize that we must phase out fossil fuels and electrify buildings and transportation. If utility regulation was ever easy, it’s not anymore.

Picture of Larry Chretien Larry Chretien

Massachusetts House of Representatives Fails to Deliver Climate Action

If you are reading this, you probably know that the Massachusetts legislature failed to produce a climate bill by the 2023/2024 session’s deadline of July 31. They even suspended their rules and went into August 1st but to no avail. The clock ran out, but it’s worth taking some time to understand how that happened and what it means for the near future.

Picture of Larry Chretien & Carrie Katan Larry Chretien & Carrie Katan