The Energy Consumer's Bulletin- a New England energy news blog

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Massachusetts (13)

Massachusetts’ Three Year Energy Efficiency Plan Update: Where will the country’s most efficient state take EE next?

The Massachusetts Green Communities Act (GCA) requires investor-owned gas and electric utilities to capture all efficiency and demand reduction resources that are less expensive than supply. Proposed savings through efficiency are detailed in what is referred to as Three Year Efficiency Plans (3YP). The plan for 2016-2018 has been in development for the last ten months. The utilities released their most current draft plan on September 23rd and the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC), a group of appointees tasked with overseeing plan development, has yet to approve what has been proposed or to make its recommendation to the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) regarding plan approval.

Picture of Eugenia T. Gibbons Eugenia T. Gibbons

Great Heat Pump Prices Are Here: A New Pilot Program in Western Mass

There is good reason why the popularity of heat pumps has risen dramatically in recent years.  Advancements in technology have made Cold Climate Air-Source Heat Pumps (ccASHPs) a safe, comfortable, convenient, and efficient source of heating, even in cold climates like Massachusetts. Much like your refrigerator, air-source heat pumps work by moving heat into or out of a building. Because they don’t burn fuel, they can improve air quality, both indoor and out. Furthermore, ccASHPs can also cool, dehumidify, and integrate nicely with solar PV systems.

Maura O'Gara

Solar Panels in Massachusetts: Solar Connect a Huge Success

Mass Energy members (and friends) make Solar Connect a huge success!

Mass Solar Connect came to an end on August 31st and we are pleased to report that not only was the program tremendously successful at increasing awareness and access to solar at a discounted price, but thanks to the interest and support of our members and affiliates, Mass Energy surpassed its goal of 200 contracts. A total of 261 contracts were signed, with a total electricity capacity of 1.9 megawatts! That’s the equivalent of removing 361 cars from the road and avoids approximately 1,700 metric tons of CO2 per year.

Picture of Eugenia T. Gibbons Eugenia T. Gibbons

Massachusetts Net Metering Caps: Clarifying the Confusion

Have you recently stumbled across a news article, email, or blog post about Net Metering Caps in Massachusetts? Don’t be discouraged. Chances are the net metering caps do not actually apply to your residential solar installation. Even so, net metering caps are a pressing issue in the solar industry, and here in Massachusetts, right now.

Meredith Geraghty

Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks: Building a Bigger System Doesn’t Fix the Problem

Beneath our feet is a vast network of natural gas distribution infrastructure. The aging pipes in Rhode Island and Massachusetts are among some of the oldest in the region and the nation, which means they are also some of the most leak-prone. We’ve known for some time that the methane (CH4) emitted through natural gas pipeline leaks contributes significantly to global warming. This is because methane is about 35 times more potent than carbon dioxide (C02), trapping a lot more heat in the atmosphere. However, a recent study reveals that natural gas distribution systems are leaking far more methane than previously estimated.

This revelation comes at a time when utility executives and several public officials continue to push for new pipelines, paid for by New England electricity ratepayers, to bring more natural gas into the region to burn in power plants[1]. So, when public officials call for more natural gas, are they going to take commensurate counter measures to ensure that we can get on track to reducing emissions as called for in the Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) and the Resilient Rhode Island Act (RRA): 80% by 2050?

A map showing natural gas emissions across Boston. Source:
Larry Chretien and Eugenia Gibbons

The Gubernatorial Forum on Energy, the Environment & the Innovation Economy

On Wednesday 10/8/2014 Mass Energy Consumers Alliance “greened”* the standing-room-only Gubernatorial Forum on Energy, the Environment & the Innovation Economy co-hosted by the Environmental League of Massachusetts and several other environmental organizations. At this event Jeff McCormick (I), Martha Coakley (D), Charlie Baker (R) and Evan Falchuk (I) offered remarks and answered a few pre-determined questions regarding where they stand on key environmental and energy issues.

All of the candidates expressed some level of commitment to core issues such as investing in energy efficiency, expanding the state’s energy portfolio to include more renewable energy, reaching the emission reduction goals of the Global Warming Solutions Act and collaborating with other states on climate change. George Bachrach, president of the Environmental League of Massachusetts and emcee of the event, speaking for the hosting environmental groups, commented that all of the candidates were “closer to our views  than any slate of candidates, at least I have ever seen before, smart thoughtful candidates that I think are hearing us.” But the candidates were divided on how to achieve these goals.

Meredith Geraghty