The Energy Consumer's Bulletin- a New England energy news blog

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Electricity and the grid (6)

It’s Time to Get Charged Up: Getting Ready for Electric Vehicles and Modernizing the Grid

We’ve written several blog posts about the environmental, health, and economic benefits of electric vehicles. Understanding these benefits helps to drive consumer demand for EVs, which helps to accelerate their adoption. When it comes to fully transitioning away from gas-powered cars, consumer demand is one piece of the equation, but the build-out of charging infrastructure is the other. There are important decisions to be made in this regard.  Here I explain what is taking place and how you can weigh in to the public process.

Picture of Larry Chretien Larry Chretien

Emissions from Electric Cars Will Decrease Every Year – Isn’t that Cool? Here’s how.

Before we get into how electric cars can run on sunshine and wind power, let’s talk about old-fashioned cars that run only on gasoline engines. Some good news is that because of federal fuel efficiency standards (known as Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency), cars in 2025 will be much more efficient, on average, than today. Officially, carmakers will have to meet a standard of 54.5 miles on average for passenger cars and light trucks in 2025, which is about what a Toyota Prius (the version that does not plug-in) gets today. If we focus on emissions of carbon dioxide, the average new non-electric car in 2030 will emit about 182 grams per mile, down from 248 grams in 2017. That’s a nice reduction in carbon emissions of about a third.

The bad news is that we need to do much better. Don’t despair, because we have more good news. We can do much better, by adopting electric vehicles, whether they are plug-in hybrids (like the Chevy Volt or Prius Prime (which does plug-in) or all-electric battery powered (like a Tesla, the Nissan Leaf or Chevy Bolt).

Larry Chretien & Katy Kidwell

New websites in MA & RI help you decode competitive electricity supply offers

One of our members called recently asking for help finding information on competitive electric suppliers, the electricity supply companies that often claim to offer cheaper rates – and sometimes greener powerthan the Basic Service offered by her electric utilitiy. More than likely, you’ve also received a knock on the door or something in the mail from competitive suppliers. So many suppliers had contacted our member that she felt she should find out what they were offering. She was particularly interested in renewable electricity options, but didn’t know who to trust.

Loie Hayes

Guest Blog: Demand Response 101 with Mass Energy Volunteer Expert, Elisa Grammer

For the past year, Elisa Grammer has been helping Mass Energy intervene in proceedings at the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). She has assisted our Clean Energy Program Director, Eugenia Gibbons, and Executive Director, Larry Chretien, in writing pleadings related to the Massachusetts three-year energy efficiency plan and electric grid modernization. We have also benefitted from Elisa’s expertise and time in opposing the proposed electricity ratepayer financing of new fracked gas pipeline construction. Even before the release of the reliability study by Analysis Group (commissioned by the AG’s office), Elisa helped Mass Energy argue that utilities should be investing more substantially in energy efficiency and demand response rather than looking to saddle ratepayers with the costs of new gas infrastructure. The Analysis Group report, further validated this point of view and determined that even in a stressed scenario, energy efficiency and demand response both ensure reliability in the cheapest way possible and while delivering environmental benefits, too.

Elisa Grammer, Guest Blogger

They knocked on my door! The competitive electricity supplier conundrum

Have you recently received salespeople at your door or offers in the mail from competitive electricity suppliers? They lay the pitch on thick with too-good-to be true rates and feel-good energy mixes. It may seem hard to poke holes in the pitch, but under the smiling surface, many of these suppliers use smoke and mirror marketing to get their foot in the door and your signature on a contract.

Picture of Katy Kidwell Katy Kidwell

Massachusetts Net Metering Caps: Clarifying the Confusion

Have you recently stumbled across a news article, email, or blog post about Net Metering Caps in Massachusetts? Don’t be discouraged. Chances are the net metering caps do not actually apply to your residential solar installation. Even so, net metering caps are a pressing issue in the solar industry, and here in Massachusetts, right now.

Meredith Geraghty

What’s Happening with Electricity Rates and What Can Be Done About it?

Consumers have been on an electric rates rollercoaster ride this past year. Many have been left reeling from a freezing winter and higher-than-usual electric rates. The good news is that rates will be dropping back down this summer for utility basic supply customers. National Grid’s rate decreased more than 40% as of May 1st (for MA customers). Eversource customers will likely experience similar decreases beginning July 1st. These summer rate drops will provide much needed relief, but what needs to be done to ensure this does not continue to happen in winters to come?