The Energy Consumer's Bulletin- a New England energy news blog

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Posts by

Amanda Barker

Policy Associate

PowerUpRI: Rhode Island’s New Home EV Charging Rebate Program

The Office of Energy Resources, in collaboration with the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, just launched a home electric vehicle (EV) charging rebate program! PowerUpRI provides rebates for both homeowners and landlords to install EV charging stations on their properties, making the transition to electric vehicles more accessible and affordable.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

Poll Finds Majority Support for Offshore Wind in Southern New England

If you read our blog on the High Cost of Saying NO to Offshore Wind, you know that offshore wind technology brings numerous benefits. Fortunately, New Englanders are increasingly aware of said benefits. Recent poll resultsfrom the Barr Foundation highlight consensus among Southern New England residents in favor of offshore wind initiatives. Conducted by Hart Research between June 7-16, this poll surveyed over 1,200 registered voters in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, showcasing strong regional support for transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

Rhode Island Is First State to Complete Phase 1 Under National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program

We write with some exciting news regarding Rhode Island’s transportation emission reduction efforts! Last week, Rhode Island became the first state in the nation to complete Phase 1 of the alternative fuel corridor under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. The NEVI program is part of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and funds states to deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, aiming to create an interconnected network that enhances data collection, access, and reliability for EV charging funding and development.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

The High Cost of Saying NO to Offshore Wind

If you’re a New Englander concerned about climate change, you’re likely anxiously awaiting the results of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island’s joint offshore wind solicitation. With recent supply chain and economic constraints causing project costs to rise, the three states issued a joint solicitation to allow developers to bid on larger projects and access economies of scale in October of 2023. They received the following proposals in March of this year.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

Rhode Island Must Get Serious About Decarbonizing Buildings

The Act on Climate is one of the strongest climate policies in the nation, mandating that Rhode Island reduce its emissions 45% by 2030 and net-zero by 2050. However, the law is not self-implementing. For the state to meet these targets, it must implement additional policies, especially in the building sector, which accounts for nearly 40% of the state's greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Despite this significant contribution to GHGs, Rhode Island lacks a clear, actionable plan to decarbonize buildings.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

Support the Rhode island Building Decarbonization Act!

UPDATE JUNE 6 2024: The Building Decarbonization Act urgently needs your help to pass in the House!

Call the Governor & Speaker:

Please take action by calling Governor McKee and Speaker Shekarchi’s offices before Friday, June 14! Speak to a staff member, or leave a message. They will be tallying your calls!

Governor McKee's office: (401) 222-2080 

Speaker Shekarchi's office: (401) 222-2447

Here's what to say:

"Hello, my name is [Name], and I live in [City/Town], RI.  I am calling to ask Speaker Shekarchi to support the Building Decarbonization Act (H-7617, and S-2952) and sign it into law this session." 



There are weeks not months left in Rhode Island’s 2024 legislative session, which means we must act urgently to pass crucial legislation for climate. 

This year, our top priority is the Building Decarbonization Act (H7617/S2952), as Rhode Island is not currently on track to achieve the emissions reductions required by the Act on Climate, and that is especially true in the building sector which makes up over a third of the state's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

Offshore Wind Critical to Preservation of a Livable & Equitable Future

The climate crisis demands a fundamental cultural shift in our energy system. Revolution Wind 1 and the South Fork Wind projects off Rhode Island’s coast meet a critical need for large-scale carbon-free electricity generation in the Northeast. Two stewards of historic and cultural structures, the Preservation Society of Newport County and the Southeast Lighthouse Foundation, recently positioned their organizations at odds with these projects in a group of appeals that cite alleged impacts to ocean views.

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

RGGI’s Third Program Review: Charting a Path Towards Zero?

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-invest program among Northeastern and mid-Atlantic states to reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector, is currently undergoing its third program review. This means the participating states, including Rhode Island and Massachusetts, are collectively examining the successes, impacts, and design of their CO2 budget trading programs, and considering updates to the program design. We see this third program review as a real opportunity to strengthen RGGI in a way that would significantly and equitably drive down power sector emissions and have been following the process closely. We have been told that the process will conclude by the end of the year. Here is what we know:

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker

What’s Needed in Rhode Island Energy EV Filing

We have been attending Rhode Island Energy’s (RIE’s) quarterly Power Sector Transformation sessions for a few years to learn about and advise on electrification initiatives in the state. At the most recent session, we learned that Rhode Island plans to submit an Electric Vehicle Program Filing with the PUC this Fall. Given that transportation is the largest source of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the state, RIE’s EV programming will be a key piece of Rhode Island’s approach to meeting the emissions reduction mandate of the Act on Climate. Recognizing this important role, we submitted this memoto key stakeholders detailing what we think RIE EV programs must include to result in adequate emissions reductions. Below are our four main points:

Picture of Amanda Barker Amanda Barker