Want More Charging in Massachusetts? Come to a NEVI Open House!
This fall, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is hosting a series of Open Houses where you...

Rhode Island is preparing to install new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and wants to hear from you about where those stations should go. This is great news for EV drivers and potential EV drivers. So where is this funding coming from, what is the plan, and how do you provide input? Read on!
As you may know, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 allocated funds to all 50 states to build EV charging infrastructure via a program called the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI). Overall, Rhode Island is receiving $22.9 million, divided between two phases.
Phase 1 requires states to build direct current (DC) fast charging stations within one mile of the designated EV corridor (the only designated corridor is I-95 in RI), no more than 50 miles apart along the entire length of a designated EV corridor. Rhode Island is in the process of installing (scheduled completion June 2024) DC fast chargers at the park & rides in Ashaway, Hopkinton and Route 117 in Warwick. (As a reminder, DC Fast Charging is the highest level of EV charging and what you would use on road trips. More on charging levels here.)
Now that Phase 1 is almost complete, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER), Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) are looking to start Phase 2. So, what is Phase 2?
Phase 2 is funded by $4.5 million annually for the next five years to build out a robust network of public charging stations across the state of Rhode Island. Rhode Island is looking to install charging stations on “any public road or in other publicly accessible locations that are open to the general public or to authorized commercial motor vehicle operators from more than one company.”
Unlike Phase 1, Phase 2 will be predominantly installing Level 2 charging stations with some DC fast charging stations sprinkled in. The aim is to install stations where people will spend a little more time and thus don’t need DC fast charging. Also, unlike Phase 1, Phase 2 will require the site host to pay 20% of the installation costs, with NEVI funds covering the other 80%. So, if you are someone who owns or manages a publicly accessible location, this is something to keep in mind over the coming months.
Right now, Phase 2 is still in the research and development stage and the state is looking for public input! They are holding public information sessions to gather feedback from stakeholders regarding EV usage and the placement of charging stations. The next and final information session is on April 24 from 6-7pm and is online.
One big way the state is asking for feedback is through a survey. The survey is a way for OER, RIDOT, and RIDEM to gather insights from the general public and business entities. If you’re a Rhode Islander, don’t miss your chance to submit your feedback.
In January 2024, Rhode Island adopted Advanced Clean Cars II (ACCII) which requires all new cars sold in the State of Rhode Island to be electric by 2035. Right now, Rhode Island has the lowest rate of EV adoption of all states that have adopted ACCII.
Further, Rhode Island needs to comply with the 2021 Act on Climate law which requires the state to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. We will not achieve this goal without swapping our gas cars for electric cars and we won’t be able to support all the new electric cars without charging infrastructure.
Whether you have an electric car now or plan to have one in the future, we need more infrastructure to accommodate everyone’s charging needs. Sign-up for the last webinar on April 24 to learn more about NEVI Phase 2 and fill out the survey to let the State know where charging is needed!
This fall, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is hosting a series of Open Houses where you...
On March 14, 2019, Green Energy Consumers held a webinar about upcoming initiatives, programs, and policies...