How to Take Advantage of Mass Save's Early Heating System Replacement Rebate
If you have an old, inefficient heating system, you could be throwing away a lot of money. There’s still time to...

Have you been thinking about replacing your heating system? Most people wait until their system collapses, but recent improvements in heating system designs means that you might be throwing away good money if you wait to replace your heating system until you have to. And now, Mass Save is offering incentives for upgrading older furnaces and boilers.
Do you heat with forced hot air? Is your furnace older than 11 years?
Do you heat with forced hot water or steam? Is your boiler older than 29 years?
If you answered yes to either of these questions and you live in a town served by Mass Save, you may be eligible for the Early Heating System Replacement rebate. Incentives range from $750 to $1,900 for oil-fired furnaces and boilers. Incentives for propane or natural gas upgrades range from $1,000 to $4,000.
Combining a new high-efficiency heating system with insulation and air sealing can make a huge difference in the amount of fuel you have to buy next winter. Jamaica Plain resident Viki Bok upgraded the oil-fired boiler in her tenant’s apartment. “We have cut oil use by a third or so through a combination of heating system upgrades and better insulation.”
You may also be eligible for 0% financing through the Mass Save HEAT Loan Program. The HEAT Loan Program provides customers the opportunity to apply for a 0% interest loan from Participating Lenders to assist with the installation of qualified energy efficient improvements in their homes. If you meet eligibility requirements and receive lender approval, you may receive a 0% interest loan of $500 to $25,000 over 2–7 years for the installation of qualified improvements, such as a new boiler or furnace.
Contact Mass Save at 617-527-SAVE (7283) to schedule your Early Heating System Replacement “Site Visit.” Customers must have a Home Energy Assessment (or a Site Visit if they’ve recently had a Home Energy Assessment) by September 30, 2014 in order to be eligible. You must complete the installation process and submit the Rebate Form and other required documentation postmarked no later than October 31, 2014 to receive the rebate.
To be eligible for this incentive, your boiler or furnace must be functional. Furnaces must be at least 12 years old and boilers must be at least 30 years old. Fuel switching is NOT eligible for this rebate. Be sure to plan ahead to make sure you meet the installation and documentation deadline. There will be no extensions for work completed or forms submitted after October 31, 2014.
If you have an old, inefficient heating system, you could be throwing away a lot of money. There’s still time to...
If your heating system leaves your home too cold or burns too much fuel, it might be time to look into an upgrade....